Hilarion's Ultima Online Building Designs

Greetings and well met!

My name is Hilarion,  *bows deeply holding his wizards hat to his chest*, Welcome to my site.

I am pleased to present to you, some assorted building designs that I have managed to come up with over the past several months.  All structures on this site were created in the UO shard emulator UOX, using a tool called ShardAce and a goodly amount of free time.

As one may note from the primary material used in the construction of these buildings, I seem to be obsessed with the Lord British's Castle type tiles.  *chuckles*  Perhaps I will get around to working with more standard wall types someday, one never knows.

I wish to thank those noble souls out there that have put so much work into making UOX what it is today and in particular Just Michael for a "job well done" on both ShardAce and LoginAce.

*sweeps his hand wide toward the paintings below*  Enjoy your stay.

The Small Tower
The Rounded Tower

The Castle
The Cathedral of Virtue

I hope you have found these designs interesting and fun, have a good day.  *smiles & waves*

Hilarion of Ocllo, Catskills Shard

For those interested in learning more about UOX it can be found on the UOXDev.Com site.